Nuance released service Pack 1 for Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 10. I apply updates blindly so this update was no exception. The first hitch that I encountered was that the service packs installer was unable to completely closed Dragon NaturallySpeaking. I suspect this is an issue with my current Windows XP installation as opposed to the service pack’s installer. Therefore, the installation could not complete. Before you install the service Pack, you must close Dragon NaturallySpeaking completely. Once this has been done, the installation will go very smoothly.
It is besed to download the service pack rather than to run it from the Internet.
Dictation in Outlook 2007 as well as Microsoft Word works as expected. Even the correction system is working as it should. Outlook 2007 Microsoft Word and Internet explorer can all be started using speech commands. Beyond that, I have not really noticed any other side-effects.
One thing that seems to have happened a few hours after I wrote the above is that my user profile has got corrupted. I cannot tell whether this is the result of the service pack’s attempt to upgrade it or something I did. I have deleted the user and I will create a new user. I have my commands and vocabulary backed up.
You can read more about the service pack at
this knowledge base article.
I am having trouble downloading the update. Vista Home Premium 32, IE8 RC1, DNS 10. I dropped the firewall for the download. I open DNS 10 and click help>check for updates. An IE window opens indicating SP1 for DNS 10 is available. I select the update and click download only. After 20 or so seconds, I get error 404. I believe that error is related to the browser, IE8 RC1. I tried install, same error. I tried to FTP to the nuance site, but you need a login. Any ideas?
I love DNS, by the way.
Dear Michael Thompson V.P. Nuance CommunicationHi Mike: I have used Dragon Dictation on my I phone for three months and it is INCREDIBLE aolsmt magical. It works beautfully! Very accurate! It is a major time saver and productivity booster! I no longer have to go to my computer to send E mails. Instead, I use your excellent Dragon Dictation App. on my I phone.It lets me quickly and accurately send numerous E mails, by simply dicatating your App accurately converts my words to text!
Hi Walt,
You are not alone. This is probably a Nuance server issue. See the following thread at the Knowbrainer Naturally Speaking support forum>
Try downloading on Monday or Tuesday. Nuance’s servers should be up by then.
Also, ensure that you are running as the administrator. You do not need to mmake any special firewall settings.
I always create a new user profile after I update Dragon. Also, the service pack installation does upgrade your user profile.
It was a server issue. When I tried it a couple of days later, it downloaded without me having to change anything on my computer.
Obviously, the guy and the hand doing all the work aren’t synced. For that parcitular reason, I am assuming how the guy did it wouldn’t have been so accurate, had actually show us the text on his screen. Rather than the one on the side that could of been said VERY accurately. This really fools people into making it seem like it works perfect when it really doesn’t. grandma can balrey hear anymore and reading is also starting to get difficult.we were thinking about getting her a laptop with naturally speaking on it but now that i see this is there an option to make the text bigger so she could read it? im guessing an ipad would be a lot easier to handle for an old person than a laptop thanks in advance!
When asked, I said sure and installed SP1 for DNS 10 Standard. Why not? The instalation screwed up my user, who was me. So I deleted him and became someone else – and that voice seems to work perfectly as if it were me over again.