This is the title of a superb article on the vOICe in the New Scientist Magazine. You can read the article here.
The article states in part:
“Not everyone is quite so impressed. For example, J. Kevin O’Regan, a psychologist at Descartes University in Paris, France, points out that the system needs time to scan an image and so lacks the immediacy of vision. “I think it’s possible with resources and time to make something much better than the vOICe,” he says.”
Dr. O’Regan, The vOICe can indeed deliver immediate feedback by using the “all at once” option under the view submenu.
I was not part of the article but I do plan to study whether the all at once option yields better results. Watch this blog for more.
Finally, congratulations to Luis Goncalves and Enrico Di Bernardo of MetaModal for the NIH study and I wish them all the very best. Next year is going to be very exciting!
sally monks says
i have a friend , currently completing his doctorate at auckland university, who is blind and interested in how to obtain and trial this new technology . How can he contact the appropriate person or agency to do this, thank you, sally monks